Jangal Publishing House

Jangal Printing and Binding is considered one of the critical companies under the Jangal brand. This industrial unit started its work in 2007, and today it is regarded as one of the country’s most extensive and well-equipped printing houses.

Jangal Press has more than 800 experts and skilled staff in the administrative and printing department, and aside from publishing books required by Jangal Publication, it cooperates with many domestic and foreign publishers, public and private companies, and institutions 

.In the past few years, Jangal printing has increased and expanded its market internationally, and it is only the beginning of a new era at Jangal


Jangal printing house, since yesterday till today

The primary purpose of setting up and establishing Jangal Printing House was to produce Jangal and Jangal Javdane publishing books. Over time, the capacity of Jangel’s large printing and binding expanded. Now, as an independent business, it can meet the printing needs of other companies and institutions in the field of publishing, along with the book production of Jangel Publications.

All Jangal printing and binding equipment are up-to-date. They all compete with the international printing quality. Therefore, Jangal printing house has increased the variety of its products quickly and significantly.

Today, in addition to publishing and printing books, Jangal Printing House also produces other printed products:

  1. Printing of internal books for companies, organizations, and institutions
  2. Printing of various magazines such as monthly, quarterly, and periodicals
  3. Printing of promotional and exclusive deadlines and planning notebooks
  4. Printing all kinds of educational notebooks, notebooks, drawing notebooks, and coloring notebooks
  5. Printing desktop calendars with cardboard, plastic, and wood bases
  6. Printing the Quran in cut, design, and different scripts
  7. Printing all kinds of cardboard boxes for product packaging
  8. Printing catalogs, brochures, and product booklets
  9. Printing all kinds of promotional and exclusive packages

The most important thing about Jangal Printing and Binding is that the entire printing process, from pre-printing to binding and packaging, takes place in this production unit. Jangal’s capability in managing All printing steps is superior to all domestic and active printing houses in the region.

Jangal Subsidiary Companies

The Jangal Group consists of several businesses that all form the Jangal Group. The functions of each company are different from the other, and at the same time, they all follow the overall brand strategies and mission.

Jangal subsidiary companies:

1- Jungle Publications, publisher of educational books  for foreign languages

2- Javadane legal publications

3- Atico language training institute

4- Medal publications

5- Jangal printing and binding house


Jangal Group Staff

Get to know the Jangal printing and binding departments

The production line of products in the Jangal printing house follows a specific path. The Jangal experts constantly inform customers about the product printing process. All products are printed with the support and supervision of the customers.

  1. Cover design and layout 
  2. Lithography
  3. Print
  4. Binding
  5. Storage and packaging

Jangal’s customers are not limited to the internal borders of Iran, and this company has continuously cooperated with many publishing houses, bookstores, and printing activists in the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe.

The background of this decision is rooted in the region’s high capacity in this field. By targeting the right market in this sector and investing in it, Jangal is now one of the leading players in the Middle East printing industry. All countries in Central Asia have at least one successful cooperation with Jangal.

Why Jangal Printing House is the right choice?

Roughly 90% of raw materials used in Jungle Printing House are imported from China, Indonesia, and Korea. As a result, no trees are cut in the country to print Jangal books.

The amount of industrial pollutants in the printing field is also low, and it consumes much less water than other industries.

All the waste paper from paper cutting and other printing stages is recycled and later used to prepare cardboard, hardcover books, and book collection boxes.

Using the most up-to-date equipment and printing machines, Jangal also prevents excessive electricity consumption.

Jangal’s call for cooperation 

Jangal printing house is ready to cooperate and place orders for all customers and those interested in the field of printing. By placing a print order, you can use the free Jangal printing and design consultation and speak to our experts about printing the best-desired product.

Jangal’s customers include all people who need to print a product in high circulation, but specifically, these categories of entities can better use Jangal’s services:

  • Companies, organizations, and businesses that want to prepare an advertising package for marketing and advertising their brand
  • Publications and media that continuously print various books and magazines with high circulation
  • Institutions and organizations that want to publish their collection of articles, news archives, product booklet, yearbook, and performance reports in the form of a limited edition book
  • Online or chain stationery stores that seek to produce educational products such as flashcards, notebooks, and stationery packs with their unique design
  • Mosques, schools, and institutions intend to donate or sell exquisite books or Quran

Introducing the managers

Mojtaba Sadjad
Azam Aghili
Javdane Publications CEO
Atie Sadjad
Deputy CEO
Mohammadreza Sadjad
Printing house CEO
Erfan Shirkhani
Production Manager
Reza Khosravan
Production Manager
Mostafa Saadatmandi
Sales Manager
Reza Pedram
IT Manager
Mr. Fazli+
Pouria Fazli
PR Manager
Nosrat Abdi
Warehouse Manager
ali moein
Head of the central store
abbas khansari
Financial and accounting manager

Statues and honors

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