One of the most important decision criteria for ordering printed products and book publishing is its production cost. In the printing industry, many things can affect the final price and have different printed output. 

If you are a publisher who wants to choose a suitable and cost-effective printing house to publish your book or printed products, or if you are a business inspecting the costs of printing your advertising products, we are here for you.

Here, we examined the influential factors in calculating book printing prices separately. You can also use our free printing consultant if you place a print order on the Jangal printing house website. Jangal printing experts can provide you with the best and most cost-effective printing offer.


printing cost

Factors Affecting the Final Price of a Printed Book

Book printing cost Factors 

By obtaining basic information about the factors that affect the cost of a book, you can make a reasonable prediction about the price and cost of publishing your product.

In general, the factors that affect the pricing of book printing costs include the following:

  • Book size
  • Book diameter 
  • Paper material
  • Cover design
  • Book circulation
  • License to print the book
  • Binding and cover printing services
  • Multi-color or one-color printing
  • Using book accessories such as boxes, ribbons, plaques, CDs, and similar items

Each of these items can individually affect the final cost of your print order. Knowing these variables can help you choose the correct and cost-effective way to print a book.

Book size

Books are printed in different sizes depending on their audience and function. Some books have standard sizes, such as A5, B6, and Folio.

Others are printed in more unusual sizes, drawing more attention to their different shapes. For example, more children’s books are published in particular sizes than others. Jangal Printing House can print books in any size and format whether customers want their books and printed products in standard and usual sizes or unique and special cuts.

You must add to the final cost if you want the book to be printed in a different format. Plus, larger printing blocks mean more use of raw materials such as paper.

Book diameter

As mentioned in the previous section, larger sizes mean using more raw materials such as paper. Similarly, the more pages a book has, the more paper is used.

Paper consumption is not the only factor affecting the final price of book production. Thick books need particular binding. Glue alone is not enough for this category, and they must be sewn together. Softcover is not used in printing thick books for easier use and the book’s long life. As a result, the cost of binding and cover services is also added to the total cost of printing.

Paper material

One of the factors influencing book printing costs is the choice of the type of paper used. There are different types of printing papers, each of which is used for various purposes. 

For example, writing papers are suitable for writing, and as a result, they are used in notebooks, planners, and agenda books. Glossy papers are ideal for color printing, and printers use them in a catalog, journal, and magazine printing.

When choosing the paper for your printed product, pay attention to the following:

  • Product functionality (writing, reading, showing, etc.)
  • Paperweight
  • The final weight of the product (heavy books are not suitable for transportation and daily use)
  • Product size

According to the needs and wishes of the customer, the paper is selected, and its printing cost is calculated.

Cover design

Book cover design is another thing that can affect the cost of book printing. If the book needs to be designed, a separate fee will be charged for the cover design. Other items such as typesetting are among the costs of the design department.

Jangal experts and designers do the final design of the cover and its interior based on the printing services that are applied to them. Covers are generally categorized into hardcover and paperback, and accordingly, various printing services are used for them, which is also effective in the final price.

Book circulation

Circulation refers to the number of books published by a publishing house in one period. Circulations usually start from 200, 500, and thousand periods and could reach several million copies in one printing period. 

In most cases, the choice of print circulation depends on the publisher’s estimation of market demand. However, various factors are influential in choosing the circulation of a book printing period.

The remarkable thing about circulation is that the more the book circulation in a period, the lower the cost of printing each book for the publisher.

This issue also applies to low circulation. If you want to produce only ten volumes of a book for a personal project or your business, the cost of producing each book is much higher than if you wish to order a thousand copies. 

This issue is because a lithography plate is prepared for printing each book, which significantly affects the final cost of offset printing.

License to print the book

In Iran, book printing requires the necessary permits from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. A specific fee must be paid to the account of the Ministry of Guidance to receive each of the required permits.

Fees vary depending on the type of license and book.

the cost of printing a book is usually a fixed price that is paid annually, and the number of prints and circulation does not affect it.

Jangal Printing House does not charge additional fees from customers for providing licensing services. You need to know that printing a book without the necessary permits has legal consequences and can lead to financial losses and compensation.

Binding and cover printing services

The essential step in the book printing process is binding. Binding plays an influential role in the final quality of the print. The binding unit is done in whether the book needs glue and sewing or gold foiling, cover, and internal cutting. The stitching on the pages, using ribbons and metal plates, and other parts are all the things the customer chooses to apply to the book during the binding step. The choice of each of these items will be effective in the book’s final price.

Multi-color or one-color printing

In the printing step, the customer can choose one color, two-color, or four and four and five-color printing, considering the product and the needs of its audience.

Different devices are used to print each of these items, but the main reason for the contrast in the price of printing is the different colors of ink used. In color printing, the color image is obtained from the combination of four colors, black, red, yellow, and blue, known as CMYK color mode.

Sometimes artificial colors are used to print the cover or pages inside the book. Five-color printing machines are used to print these books and products. Using this device and printing technologies is also influential in determining the final cost of publishing a book.

Jangal Printing House has the ability and knowledge to print printed products with color and monochrome prints. If you need advice on the color printing of your book, ask your question through the free consultation box on the printing house website. Jangal experts will contact you shortly.

How much does it cost to print a book at Jangal Publication?

Jangal International Printing and Publishing Group performs all printing stages independently, from design and page layout to shipping. As a result, the final cost of product printing will be affordable for customers. The cost of printing a book in a reputable publication combines all the mentioned items. For this reason, announcing a public price for each type of order is impossible.

To check and inquire about the cost of publishing your desired book, complete the order registration form so that our sales experts will contact you within 24 to 48 hours and inform you of the final price.

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